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Top 5 Things to Know Before Getting Veneers

Millions worldwide hesitate to smile confidently due to their discolored, misaligned, chipped, and crooked teeth, directly affecting their self-esteem. Veneers are an effective way to enhance your teeth’ overall appearance and offer an aesthetically pleasing look.

If you also feel conscious of smiling in social gatherings amongst your friends, family, and other places then tomball veneers are a considerable option. Before getting veneers, here are the top 5 things you should know. Let’s explore them!

What Are Veneers?

Dental veneers or veneers are tooth-like custom-made fittings made using tooth-colored composite or porcelain. These shells cover all damaged, broken, discolored, and misaligned teeth, offering you a perfect smile.

Dental veneers are mostly placed on the front side of the teeth and recommended to people who do not respond well to other dentistry treatments like cosmetic surgeries, teeth whitening, retainers, and braces.

Top 5 Things To Know Before Getting Veneers

1. Veneers Are Permanent

Unlike most dentistry treatment options, veneers last longer or even a lifetime if taken care of well. Before getting veneers, your actual teeth are prepared by shaving off some enamel necessary to fix surfaces over the actual teeth. As a result, the treatment lasts longer.

2. Veneers Are Of Different Types 

When it comes to veneers, one doesn’t suit all! Different types of veneers suit different people based on their conditions. These vary in size, cost, appearance, material used, and other factors. The most common types of veneers are composite, porcelain, non-prep, and removable veneers.

3. Veneers Cause Swelling 

Getting a veneer done does not include much pain; however, post the procedure, it causes some soreness, especially if you have sensitive teeth and gums.

4. Veneers Are Custom-Made 

Dental veneers are custom-made, tooth-colored fittings made using high-quality dental materials such as porcelain or tooth-colored composite. It is not a one-day preparation where you will get a trial to check if the set fits you well.

5. The Dentist You Choose Matters 

Placing veneers in the right position makes a big difference; thus, the dentist you choose truly matters. Ensure you choose an experienced dentist only.


A dental veneer is a popular dental treatment that treats misaligned, broken, or discolored teeth to enhance your smile and uplift your self-esteem. Dental veneers are the best-fit treatment to restore your smile if you have unusually shaped teeth!

Besides these five things, there are several other things you can ask your dentist before the treatment. We hope this article helped you understand the top 5 things before getting veneers.

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