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Common Pests Found in Florida

Many retirees move to Florida. Living in Florida allows you to enjoy warm weather and sunshine. However, this also means pests can enjoy what you enjoy too, your home.When you begin to notice pests often, it is important to know what type they are so their removal can be conducted properly. Below we listed the most common pests found in Florida.

The Spider

With many species of spiders, you have likely come into contact with at least one in your life. When you do come into contact with spiders, it is important to know what type it is so that it can be disposed of properly. Knowing the type is also important because some can be fatal if bitten, while others will be harmless.

The Bed Bug

Being nocturnal allows the bed bug to make its silent invasion at night while you sleep. If you have ever woken up and noticed a blood spot on your sheets, then you will likely have bed bugs biting you while you slept.

The Termite

When you have a termite infestation, the damage can be devastating and occur very quickly. Although spring is their preferred season for reproduction, the hot and humid weather of Florida makes it an ideal setting for termites to remain active throughout the year. Termites that are native to Florida include the drywood termite, subterranean termite, and the dampwood termite.

If you are planning to remove termites yourself, you need to ensure that your home’s soil is treated with an insecticide. For the interior, you will need to place bait and spray boric acid on the walls and floor.

The Rodent

A rodent can quickly find their way into your Florida home in order to escape the heat. Once inside the rodent will quickly make a feast of your pantry goods.When you begin hearing a scratching sound, see feces, and nests popping up, you will want to have them removed quickly before they begin to reproduce.

When there is just a couple of rodents present, the issue could be resolved with a simple trap such as live traps or snap trap. When you have a live trap used, it is a good idea to check it daily to remove the trapped rodent.

The Cockroach

Florida has more than 50 species of cockroach and they thrive in places that are dirty. So if you want to eliminate the pest, then your best method will be to maintain your home’s cleanliness.

If you want to have cockroaches eliminated quickly, then you can obtain baits or make your own pesticide mixing sugar with diatomaceous earth and boric acid. Once the cockroach eats it, it will die. Besides this method, you should have any and all cracks sealed within your home.


Knowing what the common pests are in Florida will help you maintain good pest control so that your home can remain as comfortable as possible. However, if you need to have an infestation removed, it is best to call a professional with the necessary skill and experience in pest control.

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