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The Problem With Improper Lawn Mowing

Mowing your lawn is an important part of keeping it healthy and looking great. If done improperly, however, mowing can actually do more harm than good. This article will discuss the proper way to mow your lawn, as well as the benefits of doing so. This post will also cover some common mistakes people make when mowing their lawns and how to avoid them. With just a little guidance, you can rid yourself of any bad lawn mowing practices in order to have the lawn you have always dreamed of!

Mower Maintenance

Let’s start by talking about the mower itself. Lawn mower maintenance is crucial to preserving and improving the health of your turf. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific model of lawn mower. In general, however, you should be sure to sharpen the blades on your mower at least once per season. This will ensure that your grass is being cut cleanly and evenly.

Grass that is cut with a dull blade will have a ragged appearance and will be more susceptible to disease. In addition, you should always make sure that your mower’s wheels are properly inflated or intact. This will prevent the mower from leaving tire tracks on your lawn.

You also must clean the blades before every use, if possible. This is to remove any dirt, grass, or other debris that may have gotten caught on the blades during the last use. Not only will this help to keep your lawn looking clean, but it will also prevent these materials from being spread around and potentially damaging your turf or infecting it with a fungal disease.

You should also change the oil in your mower regularly – again, refer to your owner’s manual for specifics.

Setting The Right Blade Height

One of the most common mistakes people make when mowing their lawns is setting the blade height too low. If you cut your grass too short, it will actually be more susceptible to damage from disease, pests, and drought. In addition, short grass tends to look unhealthy and patchy.

So what is the ideal blade height? This depends on the type of grass you have. For most types of turfgrass, however, a good rule of thumb is to never remove more than one-third of the grass blade at a time. This means that if your grass is currently three inches tall, you should only mow it down to two inches.

If you are unsure about what kind of grass you have or what height you should be mowing it at, you can always consult with your local nursery or lawn care professional.

The Right Way To Mow

Now that we’ve gone over some basic mower maintenance and how to set the blade height, it’s time to talk about the actual process of mowing your lawn. First and foremost, you should always mow in a different direction each time. This will ensure that your grass is being cut evenly and prevent it from becoming compacted.

If you have a very large lawn, you may need to make several passes in order to get all of the grass. In this case, be sure to change directions each time you make a new pass. If possible, try to mow your lawn on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule.

Another important tip is to never mow when the grass is wet. This can cause clumping and uneven cuts, as well as damage the blades on your mower. If you must mow when the grass is wet, be sure to use a lower setting on your mower so that you are not removing too much of the blade at once.


Mowing your lawn may seem like a simple task, but there is actually a lot that goes into doing it properly. By following the tips in this article, you can ensure that your lawn is healthy and looks great all season long!

Of course, if you want to ensure that your lawn is mowed properly every time, professional lawn care is the way to go. Follow this link for more information on professional and proper lawn care!


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